Energy Analysis

Automatically flag anomalies and communicate abnormal consumption patterns

Accurate energy analysis helps to identify excess demand and areas of potential savings.

The vast quantities of data that come from BEMS and IoT solutions are useless without the platform to effectively analyse them and to make data-driven decisions with the output. Our intelligent detection automatically flags anomalies and communicates abnormal patterns in consumption. This allows potentially costs faults to be discovered before they develop and can be pre-emptively serviced. See our BEMS Maintenance and Reactive Repairs for more information.

Accurate energy analysis helps to identify excess demand and areas of potential savings, whether that’s tariff-based savings by peak-load shifting or detecting untapped capacity.

Our intuitive UI lets you view
  • Data & analyses in multiple chart types, with ability to download.
  • Live meter data.
  • Consumption heatmaps.
  • Trends over time, with time intervals from months down to 5 mins.
Analytics Tools

Built in Regression Modelling & Predictive Analysis Tools

There are powerful tools built right into our platform, including linear regression modelling and predictive analysis. In addition to these our platform offers project management tools for Energy Conservation Measures to help you act on the intelligence from energy analysis.

Contact us to find out more about our Analysis toolset

Data & Analytics

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Energy Analysis / Data & Analytics / Environmental Energy Controls
For more information / enquiries on any of our Data & Analytics Services listed, please Contact Environmental Energy Controls

Telephone: 01506 442 900